
Thursday, 24 August 2017


Sept 28th - Demonstration by Jo Hudson in watercolour at Arlington Village Hall. 7 - 9pm. £2.50 visitors (AAG members FREE). All welcome, no need to book. Refreshments available for a donation.

Oct 5th - Meeting to review the group, at Pickhams, Wilmington, 7pm.
Would you like the group to continue to run as it is (£2.50 members / £5 visitors, untutored, unstructured, no need to book, 3 Thursdays of each month at Arlington Village Hall, 7 - 9pm) or would you be willing to pay £50 up front for 10 sessions, tutor lead but do your own thing if you prefer, maybe on another evening at Arlington Village hall? Which day / evening would suit you? Would another time suit you better than 7 - 9pm? Would you rather just attend monthly demonstrations and / or workshops and pay £10/ £15 per session? Any other suggestions?
Let Josie know your thoughts before the meeting in October and PLEASE COME TO THE MEETING. 
This meeting is open to members, regulars, non members and those wishing to join an art group in Arlington.
Without your input, the group will close on 5th October. 

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