Our Layflat art pad is on its way so get ready to make your mark!

Following the overwhelming response to the SAA's latest Layflat Challenge, which has seen requests go through the roof, we have decided to give another 50 lucky art clubs the chance to receive one of these unique Frisk Layflat Sketch Pads absolutely FREE.
The success of the first Layflat Sketch Pad Challenge, which kicked into action earlier this year, saw 45 clubs submit almost 700 stunning paintings. We decided that we simply had to run another one so that even more clubs could experience how this challenge inspires and rewards all who take part.
If you're part of an art club and fancy taking part then please get in touch and request one of the 50 extra pads we have to give away. Please note pads are provided on a first come first served basis and will only be provided to those clubs yet to take part in the challenge.
The challenge involves the lucky clubs each filling a book with paintings, asking one member to complete a spread before passing it on to the next member. It really is a challenge that brings everyone together and shares the joy of painting.
"Our members have enjoyed contributing to the sketchpad and are very interested to see what we have managed to produce between us." Bennachie Art & Crafts Appreciation Society
From the moment we opened the cover of the first pad we received, we were overwhelmed with the work that was submitted and by how much effort everyone had put in...not to mention the fun that everyone had whilst taking part!
"The challenge was great fun and we do hope that this may be repeated next year"Swansea Artists Circle 2010
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| Layflat Gallery
If you would like to see all the amazing entries from the first Layflat Challenge you can view the interactive gallery using the link below. | |
So what's so special about these pads?

The working space available in a conventional sketch book or pad is determined by the size of the individual page, the central spine or binding making it nigh-on impossible to create spontaneous, free flowing sketches across the width of your open sketch book.
Now with it's unique lay-flat design, an A4 Layflat Sketch Pad offers you the choice to double your working space to A3! Each of these stylish pads feature 20 x 300gsm pages of quality cartridge paper, cleverly bonded so they're suitable for use with almost all popular mediums.
"It's a marvellous pad and so versatile" Rathmore Art Group
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Club together and WIN up to £220
worth of prizes!
With this unique challenge, it really is the taking part that counts - however we have made prizes available for the top three art clubs and 10 individual artists to add a little extra fun.
First prize will win £100 worth of art materials, plus 10 tickets to ‘All about Art’ - the UK’s largest hands on art event taking place at the Business Design Centre on the 23-25th July 2015.
Second prize will receive £50 worth of art materials plus 10 tickets to
‘All about Art’.
Third prize will receive £25 worth of art materials plus 10 tickets to ‘All about Art’.
We will also select 10 of our favourite pictures from all those submitted and send the artists behind those winning artworks their own individual Layflat Sketch Pad with two complimentary tickets to ‘All about Art’
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How will it work?
The first 50 art clubs to register will each receive a FREE A4 Layflat Sketch Pad, and all we want you to do is fill it for us! Each club member who takes part will have a layflat page on which to paint or draw whatever they fancy. There are no rules about how you do this: you could get the ball rolling on the first page, or jump to the centre pages to make your mark. Then when you’ve completed your masterpiece, add your name and contact details and pass the layflat on to the next person in your club. When all pages are filled, pop it back in the post to us using the freepost envelope provided.
This isn’t a competition that can be rushed – with up to 20 club members taking part we appreciate that filling the sketch pad could take some time - but we hope you will enjoy the process and be inspired by the paintings that your fellow members create!
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