
Saturday 17 January 2015

The Abstract world of Angela Poole

For those who missed our art session on Thursday 15th Jan, you missed a very interesting evening. Angela Poole showed us the fascinating work that she did at City College Brighton and Hove and talked us through some techniques for producing original abstract works. Angie had put in so much work and material preparation for the evening, it was a shame that more people weren't there to enjoy it, but the weather was not kind to us! Those that participated produced an abstract work with acrylics and palette knives using a small viewfinder on a photo, then some went on to use the same viewfinder on the new painting to reduce the work further to produce another piece. 

Angela showed us some of her clay work, how to create and use a lightbox and the wonders of light on foil wrap, a 'dolly', collage preparatory work and many others ways to be inspired.  A very enjoyable evening. Thank you, Angela.

Congratulations to Mary Lovell for winning the vote for best piece for the evening, and to Richard Brown for being runner up (narrowly beating Al Saxby). 

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