
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Rest of the year..

We've had some more suggestions of artists to look at for inspiration each week. The idea is not to copy an artist's work but to look at their styles, subjects, techniques and use this to inspire a piece of your own work. If you're not keen on the suggested artist, study the work of other artists of the same era or movement, facts about the artist's life or just something that crops up when you search for information!

16 OctAntoni Gaudi
23 OctKate Lycett

6 NovWorkshop – Painting on glass, with Josie. Competition week.
13 NovCharis Tservis

4 DecQuentin Blake. www.quentinblake.comCompetition week
18 Dec   Christmas Open evening. 

Painting a Portrait

This is a very informative video - Stan Miller demonstrating painting a colourful portrait from a black and white photograph using tonal values.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Painting on glass

6th Nov - art session at Arlington Village Hall, 7-9pm

Painting on glass workshop with Josie. £5 (£2.50 with active AAG loyalty card)

  • Bring a piece of glass (from an old frame is OK, but must be washed clean both sides)– to protect your hands you can keep the frame around the edge or wrap the sharp edges in masking tape;
  • a piece of sketching paper the same size as the glass;
  • a picture to work from (a portrait perhaps or a landscape...);
  • black permanent or acrylic ink or a thin PERMANENT pen that will take on glass;
  • Acrylic paints or gouache/watercolour and some washing up liquid;
  • something sharp to scratch with - could be a pin, scalpel, palette knife, corner of credit card.
  • Brushes including a fine one/ rigger.

Hello all

I am now compiling the art group calendar and sourcing quotes. The probable size will be A3 with the image on the top half and the calendar on the bottom half of each page. Let me know if you will want to purchase one or more so I can manage numbers.

I didn't keep a written note of the winner each month so please can you let me know if your picture is missing or if you remember another winner. 

January - Winter woodland scene by Jan
February - Valentine by Sophia Saxby
March - Thurne Mill by Richard Brown 
April - Bluebell Wood by Angie Poole
May - Swan by Sue Groom
June - Strawberries by Jill Church
July - Garden scene by Richard Brown
August - Firle Beacon by Robert Bell
September - Bottles by Paul Vincent
October - Spaniel by Helen Gander
November - Owl by Angie Poole
December - Robin by Camilla Pennant
We will also have the winning entry of the Paint me a Farm Animal competition featured in the calendar by Anne-claude Downs.

Apologies if I've missed anyone's picture out but PLEASE let me know NOW so it doesn't get missed off the calendar!!

Thank you