April 6th, 13th Regular session. Arlington Village Hall.
April 20th - NO SESSION
April 27th – Juliette Dodd – Portraits, a short demo and then we have a go (sketch each other). Bring various drawing materials. Arlington Village Hall.
May 4th - Regular session and informal meeting. NB. change of venue to Pickhams.
May 11th, 18th - Regular session at Pickhams
May 25th - Demonstration by Stephen Cheeseman of Racing horses in Oil Pastels. Arlington Village Hall.
Revised dates
Revised dates
June 1st, 8th, - Regular session at Pickhams
June 29th - Demonstration by Jennifer Bisset . Arlington Village Hall.
July 27th - Demo and workshop with Una Carthoys. Arlington Village Hall.
Aug 10th special garden session at Pickhams, free to members
Aug 17th- Art History talk by Andrew Forrest, "Paris in the 1890s" £5 per person (free to AAG members/regulars).
Aug 17th- Art History talk by Andrew Forrest, "Paris in the 1890s" £5 per person (free to AAG members/regulars).
Sept 28th - Demonstration with Jo Hudson in watercolour. Arlington Village Hall.
Oct 5th - Meeting to review goup. Pickhams
All meetings start at 7pm, end 9pm.