
Monday, 29 August 2016

September news


Regular Art Sessions, Thursdays 7pm -9pm Arlington Village Hall except for the Third Thursday when we do not meet at the hall - the group can discuss other options for getting together on the Third Thursday.

NB: Meeting on Wednesday 31st August, 6.30pm at Pickhams in Wilmington. All AAG members welcome. The agenda will include the election of a new Chair and Secretary. We also need a volunteer to keep members informed of session dates.
RSVP for directions.

September art sessions at the village hall: regular sessions each week except for the Third Thursday when there are several events happening for the Hailsham Arts Festival which might be of interest, including a fund raising event for Demelza. On the FOURTH THURSDAY last Thursday of September we shall have a demonstration /workshop.


Bluebell Barn Art

As part of the annual Art Trail (sponsored by Hart Reade) for Hailsham Festival of Arts & Culture, a group of artists and makers will be showing work in the Bluebell Barn at Bates Green in Arlington. As an added attraction, the woodlands, famous for the annual Bluebell Walk but beautiful at any time of year, will be open for visitors.

Featuring a variety of work by Clive Hale, Andy Hill, Ian Dowding, Andrew Cottingham, Matilda Coleman, Corina Stupu Thomas, Jill Church, Val Hale, Carol Kemp, Robert Williams, Liz Cottingham, Josie Tipler.

Open 10.30 - 4.30, entry into the Art Show is free but donations in aid of Myeloma UK are encouraged in memory of the artist, Anne Howard whose hard work made the Art Trail possible.
Refreshments available in the Bluebell Farm Shop next door.

More information about the Bluebell Walk and Farm Shop
and about the Hailsham Festival of Arts & Culture
Sat 17th & Sun 18th September.
Tye Hill Road, Arlington, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 6SH

Art Classes

On 21st September, Josie Tipler will be re-starting her Wednesday afternoon art classes Ar Pickhams in Wilmington. Full details on the website