
Monday, 25 July 2016

Watercolour workshop

This Thursday, 28th July, demonstration and workshop with Tracey King  (Bring watercolours, clingfilm, old toothbrushes, fine pens). £5 per person. Please email to let us know you are coming or message on facebook.7pm Arlington Village Hall.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Message from the Chair


Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to those that took part in the Arlington Art Show last weekend and those that came along and helped. We were a select few but I had many compliments about the quality and high standard of work on show. Sales were good, over £400, and with well over 200 visitors we were kept busy with the tombola, selling raffle tickets and Jill did a great job with refreshments. It looks like we raised over £200 for the MS Society which will be added to the sum raised at the Arlington Gets Cajun event, at present £1500!

As usual, a few people do a lot of work so it is important to try to publicise the Art Group and encourage more people to get involved. Spread the word!

Now, we have a committee meeting on 31st August to which ALL members are invited. There are 2 officer roles up for grabs: Secretary and Chair. Both are roles that can be very simple but are necessary under our group constitution.
I suggest we try to lighten the load and attempt a rota of duties to share amongst members, maybe on a monthly basis, such as sending out information and publicising meetings, checking hall hire, arranging weekly subjects, collating Third Thursday suggestions, unlocking/locking the hall, arranging monthly competitions and Artist of the Month, setting up refreshments.
We can also discuss options for the continued financial viability of the group such as making 'term times' and paying up front for blocks of sessions.
The meeting is at 6.30 at Pickhams, RSVP.

Kind regards

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Members meeting

31st August, 6.30pm at Pickhams.
All members  and committee welcome. We shall be discussing the format for future meetings and electing a new Secretary and Chair. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for either role.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Art Show 2016

Please note, opening hours may be subject to change.

Committee vacancies

We are looking to appoint a new Minutes Secretary with immediate effect, and a new Chair from 1st Sept 2016. We will hold a committee meeting shortly, date to be announced.
Please email if you would like to be considered for either role.