
Monday, 27 June 2016

Arlington Art Group dates July & August 2016

Dates your diary. 
  • June 30 - Emily Wallis Demonstration & short Workshop. Book your place. £5. NB PLEASE do  email to let me know you will be coming as we need to know that we will have sufficient people attending to run the event.
  • July 7 - Regular Art Session
  • July 9th - Marquee raising in the Village Hall Field - help needed from midday please.
  • July 14 - NB Outdoor painting - venue TBA at previous art session
  • July 15 - Setting up Art Show at Arlington Village Hall - help needed from 5.30pm at Bates Green Farm to collect the screens and from 6pm at the hall.Please reassure me I won't be on my own and let me know if / when you can help!
  • July 16 - Art Show at Arlington Village Hall and Arlington Gets Cajun
  • July 17 - Art Show at Arlington Village Hall & Arlington weekend
  • July 21 - Third Thursday. Outdoor painting - venue TBA at previous art session
  • July 28 - Tracey King  Demonstration and workshops.  (Bring watercolours, clingfilm, old toothbrushes, fine pens)
  • Aug: 4, 11, 25 - Regular Art Sessions; Aug 18th is Third Thursday - suggestion of Life Drawing at the Lamb Inn, Old Town Eastbourne, 8pm
Art Show
(If you do not wish to exhibit this year, please consider supporting the event with some help - see below)

So far there are just a few people who have returned forms - this isn't much of a problem as we can just fill the space with our own work BUT we will most definitely need help with stewarding.
If you do wish to exhibit, forms are online or you can fill one in at the art session this week. The DEADLINE is 1st JULY!!
As an incentive to encourage people to do a little more stewarding, I am offering a 10% discount on exhibiting fees to anyone offering to steward for 3 or more sessions (not including the final session).
If you do not wish to exhibit but can offer even just an hour of stewarding, please let me know asap!

On our website are details of table top display stands that you might like to order to display your work. AAG members can order materials at SAA member prices if ordered through the AAG group account so please get in touch asap if you would like to place an order. If you want to order some of the more robust stands from Ken Bromley, let me know and we can combine orders to get a bulk discount.

We are once again raising funds for the MS Society so ask for a donation of a prize (or a few!) for the tombola and / or a donation of a picture.
The Art Show is part of Arlington Weekend which features Arlington Gets Cajun and other events in the field - see the Arlington Day website for details of events and to book tickets - hurry, they are selling fast.

If you have any questions at all about the application form or the show, or can offer help please do email

Pickhams Arts Week
I am running an Arts week from 6th to 14th August at Pickhams in Wilmington. We will have a garden Sculpture Trail which features a brand new mural of Trees painted by Jill Church (with a little help from me - see work in progress picture), sculpture and art installations organised by Anna & Tom Acciarini, art work on show in my Open Studio, hands on events in the marquee at weekends, weekday Art Workshops on Observational Drawing in the mornings and Painting in the afternoons (book your place - see, charity Book Sale, cakes and refreshments.  On Saturday 13th August the day will be dedicated to celebrating the launch of the programme for Hailsham Festival of Arts & Culture - we will have live music, you can film for entries into the festival 3 Minute Wonder Film Competition, sit in the garden amongst the art installations and be inspired to write for the literary competitions, get your hands dirty with art activities in the marquee and find out all about what will be happening in the area in September for the 10th annual festival. Free entry, 10.30 am - 5pm daily.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Queen's Birthday - Party in Arlington

All AAG members are invited to buy tickets to the Arlington Village PARTY!