
Friday, 11 December 2015

Season's greetings!

The Christmas season is upon us so we will be having an open evening on Thursday 17th Dec in the hall with drinks and nibbles. You can do some painting if you like or just have a nice sociable evening, members are welcome to bring along examples of their work to display (and sell if you like!). Open to all, free, please do invite friends, bring your own alcoholic drinks or we are providing soft drinks. If you would like to bring some food to share, please get in touch with Hazel to find out what is needed. 7 til 9pm.

There is a slight change to our dates for January: Jan 7, (not 14), 21, 28. William de Wilde will be returning on 28th Jan to do either a demonstration or a workshop, details to follow. 

It would be helpful to know if you prefer to have workshops or demonstrations with visiting artists - have there been any that you have particularly enjoyed? Do you have any suggestions? Please let Camilla know.