Act before 31st July
The highly successful Art in Hailsham Empty Shops project is due for a changeover on 29th August. We will have a 3 week exhibition period, rather than the usual 8 weeks, to cover the Hailsham Arts Festival from 8-16th sept.
There is a special Art Trail leaflet being produced for the festival and we can name artists who will be showing work in the empty shops, although we can not say which shops are available until the last minute.
Paintings, sculpture, photography, crafts, fashion, prints - all kinds of visual art can be displayed. No prices can be shown but you can display your contact details or ask to be contacted via Gallery North or Arlington Arts Group. Full details on the AAG blog page here and here.
If you would like to participate and put a display in one of the available empty shop windows from 29th August until 19th Sept please get back to me in the next couple of days because the leaflet goes to print on 31st July.
Once available units are confirmed, I will get back in touch with those who want to display and arrange who will be showing work where. All I need for now is names.
The empty windows will provide an excellent opportunity to publicise the Hailsham Arts Festival so it would be great if you could draw or paint a poster/canvas/board advertising the festival. You can see the logo and more information about the festival programme on the website